News & Events
Here you will find a sampling of news and announcements from EPION.
EPION’s 2021 Year in Review Report
EPION’s latest Year in Review report is a retrospective and reflection on the year 2021, including the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for EPI teams, priority projects, and top accomplishments.

Click here to view the report in English.
Click here to view the report in French.
New EPION resources about early psychosis intervention
The EPION PEAK Working Group is happy to announce the release of 3 new resources for families and young people about early psychosis.
Intended to complement existing EPION resources about signs and symptoms of psychosis, the new series of info sheets will help youth and families navigate the early stages of early psychosis intervention.
(more…)EPION’s Strategic Plan 2021-2024
EPION’s last strategic plan was released in 2018. Since then, with the support of our members, we have accomplished a great deal and grown and evolved as a network and organization.
On behalf of our entire volunteer leadership team, we are pleased to share our new three-year strategic plan for EPION.
(more…)EPION Year in Review 2020 – Issue #9
In this issue:
- Message from the Co-Chairs
» Resilience in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic
» Priorities for Fiscal Year 2020-21
» Changes in our Team
» New Approach to General Network Meetings»
» 2021-2024 EPION Strategic Plan
EPION’s PEAK Working Group: Poster Presentation at CFHA 2020 Conference
EPION’s PEAK Working Group is presenting a virtual poster titled, “Increasing collaboration and conversations between Ontario’s EPI programs and primary care providers” at the 2020 Integrated Care Conference, hosted by the CFHA (Collaborative Family Healthcare Association). This virtual conference is taking place from October 7th – 10th, 2020.
(more…)New Helpful Resource for EPI Staff: The Cannabis Knowledge Exchange Hub
The EPION Executive team encourages you to explore an exciting new resource: the Cannabis Knowledge Exchange Hub. The Provincial System Support Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health developed the Hub, which is designed to connect policy-makers and professionals working in primary care, mental health and addictions, public health, education and social services with valuable information on non-medical cannabis.
(more…)Research Bites: Antipsychotic medication versus psychological intervention
The EPION Research Working Group is excited to share the first in a series of new research bites that will feature and summarize emerging evidence of interest to EPI staff. The first Research Bite is about a study of antipsychotic medication versus psychological intervention versus a combination of both in adolescents with first-episode psychosis.
(more…)EPION Metabolic Monitoring App: How CMHA Thunder Bay is using the interactive tool with clients
EPION’s Metabolic Monitoring working group developed an interactive web tool to promote metabolic monitoring for people with mental illness. This issue of EENet’s Promising Practice highlights how the EPI program at CMHA Thunder Bay has been using EPION’s Metabolic Monitoring tool in their practice.
(more…)Cannabis and Psychosis: Exploring the Link (SSC)
The Schizophrenia Society of Canada has recently launched a bilingual online resource for youth, parents, and educators, which aims to increase informed decision making about cannabis use for youth.
(more…)Ontario EPI Program Partners with Humane Society to Honour Memory of Client
Donations made in memory of a client at the Heads Up! Program in Southeastern Ontario has led to new beginnings for both EPI clients and shelter animals in a new partnership with the Quinte Humane Society. See below for an excerpt from the original story by Kingston Health Sciences Centre.