About Us

What we do

EPION helps strengthen early intervention services across Ontario and support the implementation of the MOHLTC’s Early Psychosis Intervention Program Standards, released in May 2011.

Some of EPION’s functions include:

  • Connecting EPI programs and their clinicians, researchers, physicians, and managers with each other;
  • Facilitating collaboration and mentoring among EPI sites to respond to staff learning and training needs;
  • Providing a forum for families, clinicians, people who have used EPI services, and funders to work together to implement high-quality services; and
  • Providing practical supports and resources and sharing expertise to help early intervention providers improve their practices.

EPION also develops resources highlighting:

  • How to help a loved one experiencing early psychosis;
  • Where to get help; and
  • Tools and resources designed for use in primary care settings and schools.