
New EPION resources about early psychosis intervention

The EPION PEAK Working Group is happy to announce the release of 3 new resources for families and young people about early psychosis.

Intended to complement existing EPION resources about signs and symptoms of psychosis, the new series of info sheets will help youth and families navigate the early stages of early psychosis intervention. 

PEAK’s new resources cover the following topics:

  1. Accessing Services: how to get help for yourself or a loved one
  2. Family Guidance: how to support a loved one to get help
  3. Medications 101: what you should know about antipsychotics

The Accessing Services resource focuses on when and how to get help in Ontario and explores urgent and non-urgent pathways to care. The Family Guidance resource offers suggestions for how to have difficult conversations around psychosis and supporting someone getting to care. The Medications 101 resource provides basic information about antipsychotic medications, including common side effects and the impact of antipsychotic medications on the brain, while doubling as a medications journal for clients to bring to their clinicians.

EPION’s new resources are currently available in English, with translations into French and other languages coming soon.

Summary graphic depicting three info-sheets, with the text: "New Resources: Three new EPION resources to help youth and families navigate the early stages of early psychosis intervention.


  1. Accessing Services: how to get help for yourself or a loved one (PDF, 162kb)

    For EPION program use: Accessing Services – with space for program label (PDF, 162 kb)
  2. Family Guidance: how to support a loved one to get help (PDF, 133kb)
  3. Medications 101: what you should know about antipsychotics (PDF, 119kb)