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Don’t miss your chance to present at #EPION2019: Partners in Practice and Progress
Join EPION for our bi-annual two-day conference in Toronto on November 19+20, 2019. The theme of this year’s conference is Partners in Practice and Progress.
For the past 14 years, the Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network (EPION) has been the voice of early psychosis intervention (EPI) services in Ontario. EPION’s bi-annual conference is the largest EPI conference in Canada, and brings together researchers, practitioners, individuals with lived experience of psychosis, and family members to share, learn and network together.
We invite you to submit a proposal to present your EPI research or initiatives at EPION’s 2019 Conference in November. Presentation formats include oral presentations, symposia, and poster presentations. Submissions will be accepted until May 21, 2019.

Do you have an idea for a conference session?
We are inviting proposals for oral presentations, symposia, and poster presentations for our upcoming EPION 2019 Conference.
Topics can include:
- innovative clinical practices,
- program evaluation,
- research studies,
- lived experience initiatives, and
- community partnerships.
Guide for authors:
- The deadline to submit abstracts is May 21, 2019 at 8pm.
- Presentations can be individual or group (within or across EPI programs). Submissions are welcome from all EPI Clinicians/Researchers, including non-EPION members or researchers and programs outside of Ontario.
- Presentation formats include oral (20, 30, 60 minutes), symposia (60 minutes), or posters.
- Abstract submissions include a short 50-word presenter bio as well as a 275 word abstract/overview of your presentation. To submit your abstract, please click here.
- The Abstract Review Committee will review all submissions. The Committee may accept your proposal in a category or format different from what was originally proposed.
- Notice of decisions will be sent in June 2019. It is expected that accepted proposals will be presented at the conference. All presenters need to register for the conference (either a single day or full 2-day registration) by August 13, 2019.
Important dates:
- Deadline for submissions: May 21, 2019
- Notice of acceptance: June 28, 2019
- Presenter registration deadline: August 13, 2019
- For questions regarding abstract submissions or the call for proposals, please contact: Harvey Smith, EPION Coordinator,
- For general conference inquiries, please contact: Carole Lem, Conference Registrar,
For more information, visit