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EPION’s Interactive Metabolic Monitoring Tool – Now available for clients and clinicians to use!
EPION’s Metabolic Working Group is pleased to announce the release of a new interactive web tool to promote metabolic monitoring for people with mental illness. It provides an easy and structured way to screen and begin metabolic interventions, and set healthy lifestyle goals.
This interactive tool is developed using the metabolic monitoring resources here.

The EPION Metabolic Monitoring Working Group developed this web tool based on its own metabolic monitoring resources, including the Cardiometabolic Risk Management tool,* which was revised according to Canadian guidelines by EPION and its partners. The partners include the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, and Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, with thanks to the On Track First Episode Psychosis Program for their collaboration.
The original versions of the resources used to develop this interactive web tool are available for download here.
*Adapted for use by the EPION Metabolic Monitoring Working Group, with permission from Curtis, J., Newall, H., Samaras, K. © HETI 2011; Shiers, D et al.